
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Interview & Contest The Palisades Ronald J. Wichers

What nameless thing sustains us? Religion? What does it mean to be religious? And what sort of woman would faithfully minister to the needs of a dying husband, a man who has neglected her and betrayed her? A woman with no ties to any religious tradition.
And how many among us would remain loyal to a nation embroiled in a war that many believe should never have been allowed to happen—a conflict in which the mightiest nation on earth waged war on one of the very poorest?
And what is faith? Is it only rote learning of prayers and hymns, moral laws and historical facts? Or is it something that only a few among us are given—a seeking of something, of someone that resides in the heart of all things?
Take the journey through The Palisades and wonder. 

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Welcome Ronald, Thank you for joining us. A common misconception entwined with authors is that they are socially inept, how true is that?

Not at all. Avoid making generalizations. For writers, it’s especially a bad habit to form because, if it pervades his or her thinking, can lead to stereotyping of fiction characters.

Do all authors have to be grammar Nazis?

One’s own grammar should be more than adequate to aid the writer in easy-to-read sentence construction, especially for complex thoughts or images. But they should mind their own business, when it comes to other’s usage. Not only is it impolite but a writer might miss some potential fiction characters’ picturesque turn of phrase.  

 If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
I don’t know…the Bible? Or Britannica? Can’t think of any….

What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?

The two genres I am fortunate to know something about, war and religion, are basic to the World at large and of universal importance. War because, sadly, it remains an interminable hardship which has touched virtually every generation since the beginning of time; and religion, an endeavor of peoples everywhere which, while offering an alternative to war is, all too often, ironically one of the most frequent causes of war.

How important is research to you when writing a book?

Little to none. I work from memory.

 What works best for you: Typewriters, fountain pen, dictate, computer or longhand?

I use the word processor app, Word. I did write one novel manuscript in longhand; and it worked very well.

Thank you for joining us Roger. Follow his social media and enter his contest.

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